Liquiçá – uma nova etapa na nossa jornada em Timor

Liquiçá – a new stage in our journey in Timor

at the end of two years, teaching in Maliana, my wife received an affirmative response to her mobility request and was seconded to Liquiçá, a city to 35 km da capital, where we stayed for two years.

It was a very different experience to drive the car about 45 minutes to Dili, a capital, compared to 4 what time it was when I left Maliana.



after a few weeks, past the period of accommodation, I noticed that in Timor there were many trees and wild plants that, in the flowering period, give a lot of nectar and pollen. I inquired about whether there were beekeepers in that area and I was very surprised to learn that beekeeping, on this island, it just boils down to collecting some combs that the bees make in the…

Chegada a Maliana!

Arrival in Maliana!

Setting foot on Timorese soil, We set out to discover a new reality. We quickly realized that we had landed in another world.! We were so eager to get in touch and get to know this people who suffered so much, because, years ago, we accompanied, through the mass media, several massacres to which he was subjected in the struggle for the long-awaited freedom… Timor…

Caro Leitor,

Dear reader,

I'm Daniel Garcia Micu, from Romania, residing in Portugal since 1996, when I decided to emigrate in order to improve my professional and financial life. After a few years I realized that I had not achieved either of the two goals.. However, I understood that more important than money or a career, and win…

Dear Reader,

Dear Reader,

Welcome to a world of wonder, people and miracles, education and life, gardening and growth … the world of Timor-Leste.There are more stories coming soon, so subscribe and keep an eye on your digital letterbox.From Timor, with Love