Projeto Taiboco

Taiboco Project

After a very simple supper the conversation stretched a bit and the children, very tired, were almost asleep. I asked Juliano why they didn't want to go to sleep and he replied that, at their house, had established a habit, that after supper was over no one could get up from the table until…

Finalmente: mãos a obra!

Finally: get to work!

After purchasing the land we thought that the first priority would be to have the much needed water for our daily needs., as well as for the irrigation of our vegetable garden and fruit trees. We are worried, also, to ensure the supply of drinking water to the local population of the village of Hlalameta, avoiding your displacement…

Liquiçá – uma nova etapa na nossa jornada em Timor

Liquiçá – a new stage in our journey in Timor

at the end of two years, teaching in Maliana, my wife received an affirmative response to her mobility request and was seconded to Liquiçá, a city to 35 km da capital, where we stayed for two years.

It was a very different experience to drive the car about 45 minutes to Dili, a capital, compared to 4 what time it was when I left Maliana.