A Sad Day

Today was a sad day… we got a call and found out that the owner of our rental in Gleno passed away. He was a good man, he helped many people in the village, and whether young or old.. everyone knew Mr Paulo Maia. He was a policeman during the Indonesian occupation and then became a teacher in one of the local schools. He loved his wife Maria and build her a house of her own; they had 10 children… and I found it interesting that he chose to name them: Leonia, Leonardo, Leonito, Leotina, Leonel, Leoncia, Livonia, Leonisio, Liliana and Leondrinho; he had 29 grandchildren and one on the way… may I just say that the youngest grandchild is called Paula.

He lived a full life.. God was important to him.. he loved to read.. and he will be missed.

Mr Paulo’s ceiling

Why did I write about Mr Paulo?… because I want you to be part of it all.. with good and .. with sad… life happens to us all!

But what I believe matters in the end, is how we lived and Who we lived for!

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