Hari yang Sedih

Hari ini adalah hari yang menyedihkan… kami mendapat telepon dan mengetahui bahwa pemilik rental kami di Gleno telah meninggal. Dia adalah pria yang baik, dia membantu banyak orang di desa, dan apakah muda atau tua.. semua orang tahu Tuan Paulo Maia. He was a policeman during the Indonesian occupation and then became a teacher in one of the local schools. He loved his wife Maria and build her a house of her own; they had 10 children… and I found it interesting that he chose to name them: Leonia, Leonardo, Leonito, Leotina, Leonel, Leoncia, Livonia, Leonisio, Liliana and Leondrinho; he had 29 grandchildren and one on the way… may I just say that the youngest grandchild is called Paula.

He lived a full life.. God was important to him.. he loved to read.. and he will be missed.

Mr Paulo’s ceiling

Why did I write about Mr Paulo?… because I want you to be part of it all.. with good and .. with sad… life happens to us all!

But what I believe matters in the end, is how we lived and Who we lived for!

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