
unShaken in Timor

Yes… on 27.05.2022, around 11:30 am, there was another earthquake in Timor… but it was the first one here!

I was in the house in Gleno… It was such a weird feeling, cause it lasted more than the one in Australia (my only other experienced comparison). At first, I thought I was dizzy cause it looked like the room was moving, but because it lasted more, and came in two waves… I realized what it was: an earthquake.

Luke was in the car in Dili, “the suspension took most of it so all I felt was some car rocking, like one or two people shaking the car side to side. Shaken, not stirred!” he said.

The quake occurred at a depth of 10km and struck about 29km East-South-east of Lospalos. There are no reports of life loss. Praise God!

We all react differently, in moments of uncertainty, but when founded on the Rock, we remain unshaken.

Love, L&A

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