
inquebrantable en Timor

Sí… en 27.05.2022, alrededor 11:30 soy, hubo otro terremoto en Timor… pero fue el primero aquí!

Estaba en la casa de Gleno... Fue una sensación tan extraña., porque me duro mas que el de australia (mi única otra comparación experimentada). En primer lugar, I thought I was dizzy cause it looked like the room was moving, but because it lasted more, and came in two wavesI realized what it was: an earthquake.

Luke was in the car in Dili, “the suspension took most of it so all I felt was some car rocking, like one or two people shaking the car side to side. Shaken, not stirred!” he said.

The quake occurred at a depth of 10km and struck about 29km East-South-east of Lospalos. There are no reports of life loss. Praise God!

We all react differently, in moments of uncertainty, but when founded on the Rock, we remain unshaken.

Love, L&A

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