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Construindo Progresso 2024

Nossa residência em contêineres – Papel 2

Caro leitor,

O mês de agosto 2024 estava ocupado, mas produtivo. Os leitores regulares estariam familiarizados com o 2023 atualização do projeto, mas em 2024 tivemos forças renovadas.

agosto 2024 foi nada menos que um turbilhão aqui no canteiro de obras em Gleno, and it seems like we had a revolving door of heroes and helpers who turned our little corner of the world into a hive of activity. Buckle up for the highlights of a month.

We kicked off the month with Roni, an Australian young adventurer who, for two weeks, embraced every challenge that came his way, from welding and grinding to electrical work. Roni didn’t just lend a hand; he shared his skills and knowledge, ensuring his impact would be felt long after his departure.

Next we had the Tyler family, who made our project their summer mission. Nathan Tyler, despite his demanding role as president of the Australasia Union, brought his entire family of six to lend a hand. Their presence was a gift to us, adding a new layer of energy and dedication to our project. Each rolled up their sleeves, contributing to every aspect of the work with a spirit of generosity and joy. From cooking delicious food and cleaning the house, to homeschooling and gardening, the Tylers demonstrated that faith and fellowship can build more than just structures—they build community. Their willingness to embrace every task, no matter how mundane or uncomfortable, reminded us all of the power of dedication and teamwork.

Our new team members even ventured into the local market, tackling language barriers with the kind of bravery that could only come from a heart full of faith and curiosity. Their efforts truly reflected their amazing God and His spirit of service and love.

Soon after Roni’s departure, we were blessed with the arrival of the Gugu family, who journeyed all the way from America to join our mission for a year. As highlighted in a previous post, the Gugu family arrived with an infectious enthusiasm and a readiness to dive into the work. But I’ll let them tell you more stories.

I’ll just mention one more thing: the men in our group tackled every challenge like it was an obstacle course. Whether it was welding or grinding, sifting through available materials or planning like seasoned architects; plumbing while surrounded by spider webs or fixing cars; making a water pump to work, or navigating the joys of Dili’s shopping in peak hour, they didn’t flinch.

Of course, a building project would be incomplete without its fair share of hurdles. From a water pump that decided it needed a vacation to a car that preferred to stay put, we had our share of obstacles. Add in a few disappearing tools and unexpected illnesses, and it felt like our own version of “Survivor: Construction Edition.” But through each challenge, God kept us going, transforming every setback into a chance to grow stronger together.

August was a month of triumphs and trials, but the grace and support of our incredible team made it all worthwhile. We’ve made tremendous strides, and our hearts are full of gratitude for each person who has contributed their time, talentos, and prayers.

So I’d like to thank God for Roni, the Tyler family, the Gugu family and everyone who has been part of this journey. Your efforts have been a true blessing, and your contributions have been as vital as a well-placed nail and as appreciated as a cold drink on a hot day.

Until next time, may we continue to build with both our hands and our hearts.

De Timor, with loveand a bit of dust 🙂

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